+39 0362 543041
+39 0362 543041

It is with pride that this year IDEALTECH SRL celebrates its 20th Anniversary.

We would like to thank all the customers who have chosen us, contributing to our growth and for whom we are committed to the continuous improvement of the quality of our products and services.

For our company these have been years of intense work, in which we have focused on the continuous updating and innovation of our systems and our technology. We have remained attentive and adherent to the productive world and we have developed a wide range of solutions that today constitute our company heritage and know-how.

In this difficult period, of state of alarm, caused by COVID-19 and the negative effects it is having on the Italian and international economy, causing enormous limitations and inconveniences, IDEALTECH, following the national directives on health and taking all due precautions, is operating at 100% of its potential.

Customer service, our technical support and sales team are at your disposal.
Thanks again to all those who in these years have placed their trust in our company, with the promise of always doing better and better.

Best Regards

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