+39 0362 543041
+39 0362 543041

Dear customer, dear friend,

It is our pleasure to inform you that our company, to better respond to the continuous growth of the company, has decided to reorganize its internal management. Differences of opinion regarding the growth prospects have led our founding partner and chairman Mr. Enrico Bozza to propose to Mr. Bridarolli the acquisition of his share package.

The operation was finalized on December 19, 2019 and consequently Mr. Bridarolli has definitively left Idealtech S.r.l.

Mr. Gianluca Muratore our historical Project Engineer officially became part of the company, acquiring a part of the shares. Logically, with the transfer of the shares, Mr. Bridarolli has no longer any right to use the Kow-How and the projects developed during his stay in our company.

The company’s asset renovation is only the first change accomplished; with new growth prospects, and, in order to adapt the plants to the highest quality standards, we have in fact hired new personnel, improving, and enforcing the project engineering and software levels, so as for the safety part. Constantly improving our products, as well as continuing to operate with seriousness, professionalism, and commitment, is the must that we have set ourselves for the incoming years.

We would like to thank each one of you for the trust and closeness shown towards our company.

Idealtech S.r.l

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